This team works at organizing services and music:
Sunday Eucharist
Join us every Sunday at 10:00 A.M. All who seek God in Christ are welcome to receive communion at God’s Table.
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer is a worship service, which is often used daily in some larger churches and can be used on Sundays as the main service, which it was until the 1960’s in the Episcopal Church. It uses the words written by Thomas Cranmer in the 1540’s. It includes canticles as responses to readings, which are often sung; through reciting them is what we do in the absence of a great organ. It is a service of scripture, praise, music, and prayer. Licensed Worship Leaders can lead Morning Prayer, with a sermon given by a licensed Lay Preacher. At Good Shepherd we use the Morning Prayer Service at various times throughout the year.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is the behind the scenes group that prepares the Altar for each service. Our group currently consists of four dedicated women each serving for one week per month. The duties include preparing the Altar for the Eucharist, and changing the Altar colors when the seasons change or for special services. We also polish all the brass fixtures, fill the candles, and arrange the flowers. Serving on the Altar Guild is a rewarding experience of service and bonding friendships among the members.
Good Shepherd Chorale
We are truly blessed to have so many beautiful voices and talented musicians who provide us with prayerful and inspirational anthems most Sundays throughout the year.
In addition to handing out bulletins, taking the offering, and carrying the bread and wine to the altar for Eucharist, our ushers also serve as greeters at Good Shepherd, welcoming everyone entering the church, whether they are regular members or newcomers. These goodwill ambassadors welcome everyone, shaking hands, and introducing themselves to visitors, and extending invitations to the coffee hour after the service.
Anyone who enjoys reading the liturgical lessons appointed for each Sunday may sign up for this rewarding and valuable ministry. We have teams of lectors who are assigned to read on a regular schedule. Talk to Deacon Bob if you are interested in joining this ministry.