Mission Committee Senior Warden
Dana Johnson
Dana has been living in Sonoma County since 1971, and has enjoyed a career in radio, television, digital and print media. Currently, she publishes Cloverdale Connect, the local newspaper. She lives in Cloverdale with Ray Pesce (former owner of the Hamburger Ranch) and enjoys frequent trips to the Idaho/Oregon border to spend time with her daughter's family. Dana began attending St Paul's in Healdsburg in the early 1980's and was baptized there by Father Bowers. In 1992, she began attending Windsor Presbyterian Church and founded their Food Pantry and in 2012 which has grown to now serve hundreds of families each week. She served as an ordained Elder and Deacon for many years, taught Sunday School, served on the Presbytery's Committee on Preparation for Ministry, and as a Board Member for Westminster Woods Camp and Conference Center.
Dana feels blessed to have found her church home at Good Shepherd and to be back at the Episcopal Church where her faith story began.